In my mind this is very Piscean Age leadership - I hold the keys to success, you follow me. They initiate and tell others what they’re doing and we all fall in line to help (if that feels correct for us). Manifestors are the only type that is self-driven when it comes to starting things. But with Projectors now in the mix, tasked with building the structures and monuments of the future, how can we support them? Human Design often describes Manifestors as the Kings and Pharoahs of yester-year who initiated the creation of the monuments and structures we know of today. With a focused and protective aura, they shine a deep intense light on whatever they’re giving attention to and anything not in that light path is figuratively “in the dark” to them, they can’t see it.

I love how Vaness Henry describes Manifestors as here to “tear holes in the fabric of reality” so something new can be created. Manifestors are more of the archetypical “leader.” They get downloads and inspiration that directs them to create something new. They have a natural instinct that tells them when people are in alignment or not and – being quite talented and studious – they provide just the right guidance we all need. Their aura is absorbing and really wants to seek out information about the people they’re around. Ra Uru Hu, who happened to be a Manifestor, speaks to how the world as we know it isn’t set up to support Projectors simply because they are a new type of energy. The kicker is they need to be invited to give their opinions or advice, otherwise, there’s too much energetic drain on everyone involved. Projectors are the newest energy type and are here to usher in a new way of leadership. I’ve been reading a lot about Manifestor and Projector wounds – this is what happens when their natural energies are in some way “rejected” or “diminished” by others to the point where they stop acting in ways that feel good and are supportive for them.
Projectors and manifestors generator#
but it’s TRUE! There is such a tendency to apply a hierarchical structure to the Human Design types and I’m just not having it! I am a generator who is mostly surrounded by projectors and as a “waiting” type myself, I think we need a reframe. Ok, this may rock the boat of misconceptions a bit.